• Group Theory

    Group Theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the algebraic structures known as groups. A group is essentially a set equipped with an operation that combines any two elements to form a third element, satisfying a few fundamental properties. Groups can be either commutative (abelian) or non-commutative.

    Formally, a Group is a set GG together with a binary operation⋅ (multiply). It must satisfy the following properties:

    1. Closure: Combining two elements in the group always produces another element in the group.
      • abGa \cdot b \in G for all a,bGa,b \in G
    2. Associativity: The way you group elements when combining more than two doesn't matter.
      • (ab)c=a(bc)(a \cdot b) \cdot c = a \cdot (b \cdot c) for all a,b,cGa,b,c \in G
    3. Identity Element: There's a special element that, when combined with any other element, leaves that element unchanged.
      • There exist eG such that ae=ea=a for all aGThere \space exist \space e \in G \space such \space that \space a \cdot e = e \cdot a = a \space for \space all \space a \in G
    4. Inverse Element: each element has a "partner" so that combining them results in the identity element.
      • For each aG there exist bG such that ab=ba=ea \in G \space there \space exist \space b \in G \space such \space that \space a \cdot b = b \cdot a = e $$

    These properties ensure that a group forms a well-behaved mathematical structure that captures the notions of symmetry and transformation.

    Usage in Cryptography

    1. Difficult Problems: Some calculations in groups, like finding discrete logarithms, are computationally hard. This "hardness" is what makes cryptographic systems secure.
    2. Keys and Encryption: Elements of the group, or properties of the group, can serve as keys for encryption and decryption.
    3. Public and Private: Groups can be public knowledge, while specific elements used for operations can be kept private, facilitating public-key cryptography.
    4. Efficiency: Operations in finite groups can often be computed quickly, making the encryption and decryption process efficient.

    Finite groups provide a framework that is both mathematically rigorous and computationally useful for securing data in cryptographic systems.

Lesson 1 | Section 1

Group Theory
